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Review: Body massage at Amante Nail Spa & Body Care

I went for a massage at Amante Nail Spa & Body Care in Berjaya Times Square after purchasing a Groupon deal in 2014. I actually wouldn’t recommend it.

The massage was nice and the masseuse was very friendly and chatty (could be a con for some). I actually learned a few interesting tidbits like how the wind or angin from the body would be transferred to the one who massages. So it is kinda unhealthy to be a masseuse.

However, the one time the masseuse left the room for a while, she didn’t close the door completely so there’s like a 20 cm gap. It wouldn’t be so bad if this spa is for women only but this is not the case because this spa accepts male customers!

I was lying face down naked with the towel slightly below my buttocks so the side of my breasts and the upper buttocks are exposed. I briefly contemplated covering my boobs with my hands and grab the towel to quickly cover me up but if I fail I could risk exposing more bits so I then thought it’s better for me to lie down covering my face hoping nobody would see my face at least if they happened to see the exposed bits. Luckily, no one else walked pass the room.

Because of this bad experience, I will not go to Amante anymore and maybe not go to any spa that accepts male customers if I’m going alone. It could be a very dangerous experience if you think about it!
